PARCC and SBAC high school content frameworks

Home Forums Questions about the standards Arranging the high school standards into courses PARCC and SBAC high school content frameworks

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    Bill McCallum

    I should point out that both PARCC and SBAC have published frameworks that suggest arrangements of the standards into high school courses. Note that the PARCC one is not exactly the same as the arrangement in Appendix A of the standards.

    Sarah Stevens

    Thanks for bringing our attention to these items. I found a wealth of information in the PARCC document but the SBAC document only has grade 11. Am I missing it?


    PARCC is writing end of course tests for the 9th, 10th, and 11th grade courses (not sure if/how they are distinguishing between traditional and integrated). SBAC is writing one assessment for high school to be taken in 11th grade.


    Because I could not find a similar resource, I created several responsive webpages that combines the language-based PARCC Model Content Frameworks into the visual-based Scope & Sequence documents (High School Traditional) that Patrick Callahan, et al. were kind enough to share. I followed the color-coding scheme that the PARCC MFC uses. I’d appreciate any feedback on it’s usefulness.

    The webpages are temporarily hosted:
    1. Algebra 1 (

    2. Geometry (

    3. Algebra 2 exists but is still a work-in-progress…I’ll wait for feedback on the above two before spending inordinate amount of time completing the document.


    Bill McCallum

    Nice work, John, I hope people find these useful.


    Do we know how the annual tests will work with students who are not following the same schedule? The standard schedule at my school has 8th grade students taking Algebra 1, 9th grade students taking Geometry and 10th grade students taking Algebra 2. Will the 10th grade students be taking the Geometry version of the PARCC exam? Does it depend on the state?


    I’ve gotten confirmation that the high school level PARCC tests will be given as end-of-course exams and not correlated to grade level. This is described here:

    These are some additional useful documents relating to PARCC if you are, like me, trying to figure out precisely which content standards will be covered on the exam: – Version 3, updated framework – Math Performance Level Descriptors – Assessment Blueprints

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