HSG.GMD.A.1, A.2

Home Forums Questions about the standards 7–12 Geometry HSG.GMD.A.1, A.2

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    “Give an informal argument for the formulas for the circumference of a circle, area of a circle, volume of a cylinder, pyramid, and cone. Use dissection arguments, Cavalieri’s principle, and informal limit arguments.

    “(+) Give an informal argument using Cavalieri’s principle for the formulas for the volume of a sphere and other solid figures.”

    I am reviewing the CME Integrated II math text published by Pearson. The writers do implement Cavalieri’s principle to calculate the volume of a sphere. It seems quite awkward compared to Archimedes’ solution in his Method. Is there any background for the decision to use Cavalieri’s principle in the GMD Standard? Thanks for any perspectives.

    Bill McCallum

    Well, I would need to know exactly which methods you are talking about here. I don’t know which method CME uses. The argument I remember from Archimedes involves balancing the areas of different slices … this is arguably making use of Cavaleieri’s principle, whose essence is slicing. Happy to answer in more detail if you can be more explicit.

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