Common Core Website: Where are the Standards?

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    You may not be able to answer this question.  Many of the documents we have created for our district includes direct links to the standards on the Common Core website.  Apparently those pages have all been taken down and the only access is through the pdf files.  Do you know if this is temporary? Is there another site that we can use to directly link to particular standards?



    Bill McCallum

    They standards are still there at They recently redid all of the urls to bring about some standardization, so you can predicted the url from the standard. For example, to go to 6.EE.5 you type The uppercase B refers to the fact that this standard is in the second cluster of its domain in grade 6.


    Thank you, Bill.

    I discovered that high school is slightly different.  In place of the grade level, enter HS and then the conceptual category.  For example HSA for high school algebra.


    Dear Bill, 
    I really enjoyed your article on the Common Core! It’s exciting to see how this is changing the way we teach and am so glad that the Common Core is being implemented in schools across the US.
    We at TeacherStep, a company focused on making teacher recertification simple, offer professional development graduate courses for Teachers, created by Teachers!

    We have just developed new CCSS education courses, and we would love to have you check them out. Here is our website: I also called you yesterday and left you a voicemail as I wanted to discuss our Common Core courses with you.

    Hope to hear back from you soon, our email address is below.

    And thank you so much, your articles are wonderful!

    Warmest Regards,
    -The TeacherStep Team

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