I mentioned the curriculum analysis project led by Bill Bush a while ago. Here is the final product. It provides analysis sheets to help school districts look at curriculum materials and decide how well they reflect the standards. There is also a powerpoint for professional development of evaluators. If you have any questions, send an email to Bill Bush.
Mathematics Curriculum Analysis Project
Bill Bush sent me this Overview of the Mathematics Curriculum Analysis Project. Funded by the Brookhill Foundation and Texas Instruments and supported by the Council of Chief State School Officers, the project aims to provide a set of mathematics curriculum analysis tools that will allow K–12 textbook adoption committees, school administrators, and K–12 teachers to analyze mathematics curriculum materials with regard to their alignment to the Common Core.
Curriculum analysis tools for the mathematics Standards
Bill Bush is leading a project to develop three tools that will help teachers and school administrators analyze curriculum materials as they implement the Standards. One looks at the treatment of key content areas in each of four grade bands (K–2, 3–5, 6–8, 9–12); one analyzes how well the standards for mathematical practice are integrated into the materials; and one analyzes pedagogical aspects of the materials. The project is funded by the Brookhill Foundation and Texas Instruments, and plans to release the tools in June 2011.