I am a fifth grade teacher and am looking for insight on recommendation for the order of which to teach topics. I realize that no topic is in isolation but still need a month pacing guide. When we first set up our pacing chart for the year we started with NBT place value with whole numbers, multiplying and dividing. We then were going to progress to fractions and then to decimals. Having started I am feeling like I should continue the study of place value to include decimals now
Typo? In the Fractions Standards by Domain document, the third example under 4.NF.3b looks to be 21/8, rather than 2 (and) 1/8
Thanks for catching that, I’ve uploaded a corrected file.
I am a fifth grade teacher and am looking for insight on recommendation for the order of which to teach topics. I realize that no topic is in isolation but still need a month pacing guide. When we first set up our pacing chart for the year we started with NBT place value with whole numbers, multiplying and dividing. We then were going to progress to fractions and then to decimals. Having started I am feeling like I should continue the study of place value to include decimals now
Hello Kconese,
I was recommended this website, which may be helpful to you. Here is the link. http://ccsstoolbox.agilemind.com/pdf/Grade%205%20Dana%20Center%20Scope%20and%20Sequence.pdf
It is through the Dana Center. I hope this helps and tell me what you think. JT