A5 and A6 (HS Scope and Sequence Draft)

Home Forums Questions about the standards Arranging the high school standards into courses A5 and A6 (HS Scope and Sequence Draft)

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  • #1713
    Sarah Stevens

    I hope that Patrick Callahan monitors this forum as this question pertains to the draft posted in the blog.

    We are trying the understand the instructional goal of A5 and how it relates to A6. We are trying to adopt a more Functions based approach to Algebra. We think that A5 has a goal of exploring quadratic relationships in context. Students will be investigating how manipulating the parameters affects the graph and also modeling data collected to compare a quadratic rate of change to linear and exponential. For lack of a better phrase, students will gain a “feeling” about how quadratic functions behave.

    But then we are thrown by including F.IF.8a in this unit. The next unit has the Algebra standards related to quadratics. According to our understanding of this progression, students have yet to investigate factoring. We looked to Appendix A for additional insight and found that F.IF.8a was grouped with A.SSE.3. Before we made that move, we wanted to ask if we were missing something about the vision for the A5 unit.

    One separate note, we noticed a typ0. The domain N.Q is * for modeling in the standards but aren’t * in unit A1. We assume N.Q.1, 2, and 3 should be modeled in that unit and it is an oversight. Correct?

    Thanks for your help!

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