6.SP.4 Stem and Leaf Plots

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    6.SP.4  Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots.

    S-ID.1 Represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots).


    Stem and leaf plots don’t fit this standard, as they are not based on a number line (though related).

    Interesting to note their omission from the standards.

    Bill McCallum

    Not that they are bad, but in the interest of focus some good things were left out.

    Cathy Kessel

    The GAISE report (Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education, http://www.amstat.org/education/publications.cfm) doesn’t give large amounts of attention to stem-and-leaf plots. It puts them at level A (the first of three developmental levels):

    The Framework uses three developmental Levels: A, B, and C. Although these three levels may parallel grade levels, they are based on development in statistical literacy, not age. Thus, a middle-school student who has had no prior experience with statistics will need to begin with Level A concepts and activities before moving to Level B. This holds true for a secondary student as well. If a student hasn’t had Level A and B experiences prior to high school, then it is not appropriate for that student to jump into Level C expectations. The learning is more teacher-driven at Level A, but becomes student-driven at Levels B and C. (p. 13)

    I suspect that for young children stem-and-leaf plots might be a bit hard to read because the digits convey so much information and the less detailed dot plots might be more helpful in seeing trends. Also, stem-and-leaf plots don’t seem to lead quite so straightforwardly to later types of graphs.

    BTW, the president of the American Statistical Association has a blog post “2013: The International Year of Statistics” here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/marie-davidian/2013-the-international-ye_b_2670704.html

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