New look, new title

I have updated to a new WordPress theme, partly because I thought it was time for a makeover, and partly to see if it would cure some of the problems people have had commenting. In the process I decided to change the title of the blog. My recent writings have been about school mathematics generally, and I hope they are of use to teachers everywhere, whatever their standards. I will still write occasionally about the Common Core, and I will still answer questions over in the forums. I have changed the settings in the forums to allow anonymous posting for people who have trouble logging in. I may have to change that back again if it causes security problems. And, speaking of security, the site has been protected by SiteLock since last summer’s hacking, which means that you will occasionally encounter a captcha screen.

And, by the way, the url also points to this blog.

3 thoughts on “New look, new title

  1. No matter the title or the format, your writing always causes me to reflect on my work in math and think about how I could do more, and do it better to help kids understand and value math.

  2. Please comment on the “Matthew Effect” as it applies to math. Your work and support over the years have been very helpful. Best wishes for 2017-2018 SY

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