Examples of structure in the content standards

Here is a draft of a document by Jason Zimba describing structures in the content standards: CCSS Atlas (in docx format, here is a pdf of the same document). It incorporates some of Jason’s writings that I have posted before (e.g. the stuff about pinnacles, and the graphic of flows leading to algebra), but has a lot of new material as well. Well worth reading for those thinking about assessment and curriculum based on the standards.

[Edited 2011/7/09 to add pdf file.
Documents Edited 2011/12/01]

15 thoughts on “Examples of structure in the content standards

  1. Maybe I am just a bit thick… but I can’t seem to find the supporting documents link for Part III. Would love to see a graphical organization… very curious. Or maybe it was metaphorical…

  2. Oops – sorry – I think this is an old version. Please stay tuned for a new version. Part III is still pretty embryonic, so I only meant to give the first two parts. Also there are some edits for clarity etc. in the version to come.

  3. In probability and statistics grades 6-8, please remove the phrase “central tendency” and
    replace it with “mean and median” or “summary statistics”. In current school mathematics
    language, “central tendency” is used for mean, median and mode. Mode is not a measure
    of a center, and mean and median are measures of a center but not of central
    tendency. The phrase “central tendency” does not appear in the CCSSM.

  4. Dick, thanks for this.

    By the way, people should also feel free to email me comments directly. I’ll save feedback for when I revise the draft. (n.b., there is no definite timeline for that at this point.)

  5. Jason, don’t have email addy to send feedback directly. The document is looking good overall. Caught a typo–that the parenthetical descriptions of rational number division should be switched on the 2nd and 3rd examples on page 11:
    Quote: “how much chocolate will each person get if 3 people share 1/2 lb of chocolate equally? (whole number ÷ unit fraction) 5.NF.7.c ”
    “how many 1/3-cup servings are in 2 cups of raisins? (unit fraction ÷ whole number) 5.NF.7.c”

    Actually, the first problem is a unit fraction (1/2 lb of chocolate) divided by a whole quantity (3 people sharing the 1/2 lb), and the second problem is a whole number (2) divided by a unit fraction (how many 1/3 cup servings are there in 2 cups?).

    Thx, Tim

  6. Pingback: Draft of “Examples of Structure of the Common Core Math” by Jason Zimba | WatsonMath.com

  7. Pingback: Illustrative Mathematics and Common Core Tools « Common Core Essentials

  8. Pingback: Jason Zimba’s “wiring diagram” | Tools for the Common Core Standards

  9. Pingback: Units, a Unifying Idea in Measurement, Fractions, and Base Ten | Mathematical Musings

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